Activities for at Home: Literacy

There are many activities you and your child can do that are fun and increase literacy at the same time.

  • Read Books!
  • Create a simple fort with blankets and add a basket of books inside for a cozy reading spot (and later add a clipboard and a few writing utensils for a special writing spot!).
  • Practice story telling. Tell a story together where you each take a turn or ask your child to tell you a story and then invite them to document it by providing illustrations as you write the words!
  • Provide writing opportunities- pads of paper, old envelopes, post it notes, real pens (children love ‘real’ writing opportunities!) Invite them to write a letter to a family member or teacher they are missing, help you create a grocery list etc.
  • Create a ‘word bank’ for children- a list of words they are particularly interested in writing (such as family members’ names, favorite t.v. show characters, favorite sport or teams, favorite book titles etc. )
  • Alphabet scavenger hunt- looking for objects around the house that begin with each letter of the alphabet.
  • Guess what’s in the box- create a “mystery box” using an old shoebox or baby wipe container. Place mystery items in the box and children can guess what it is based off of how it feels.

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