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PAASSS is a community collaborative serving Plano, IL and the surrounding areas with a promise to support children and families in their journey to success in learning and life.

Mission Statement  

PAASSS (Plano Area Alliance Supporting Student Success)  will strengthen the community by ensuring that all families in the Plano area are aware of and have equitable access to  services and supports that empower them to raise children that are safe, healthy, eager to learn, and ready to succeed.

Vision Statement

A community where all children and families are empowered to succeed in learning and in life.

Core Values

Partnering for Awareness and Access to Services  Supporting Success

Equity means fairness and justice and focuses on  outcomes that are most appropriate for a given group, recognizing different challenges, needs, and histories.  

It is distinct from diversity, which can simply mean variety (the presence of individuals with various identities). It is also not equality, or “same treatment,” which doesn’t take different needs or disparate outcomes into account.  

Systemic equity involves a robust system and dynamic process consciously designed to create, support, and sustain social justice.

Source: Race Forward, used in Partner Plan Act’s equity workshop.

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