Fun in Everyday Moments

Strengthen the connections with your child by focusing on playful interactions. This is a bit different than just thinking about playing with your child.

Tips for Playful Interactions with Your Child

  • Follow your child’s lead.
  • Talk, talk, talk, about what your child is doing.
  • Encourage your child’s creativity and imagination.
  • Avoid power struggles.
  • Have fun together in everyday moments!

Examples include:

  • Asking your child to join you while doing a chore. Turn on a favorite song and make emptying the dishwasher fun. It really can be a fun part of the day.
  • Talk or narrate like a sport caster while playing or moving throughout the day (describing, commenting, and expanding on what you child is doing).
  • When picking which game to play together with your child, give a few choices that you both like.
  • Encourage your child to use their imagination. Like pretending boxes and cans are spaceships flying in the air and landing in the cart at the store. Have fun pretending!

Remember, it is about connecting with your child and making
everyday moments fun!

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