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PAASSS is a community collaborative serving Plano, IL and the surrounding areas with a promise to support children and families in their journey to success in learning and life.

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Big News for Our Region 24 Families: Exciting Projects Ahead for 2025!

At PAASSS, we believe that strong communities build brighter futures for their children. That’s why we are overjoyed to share that we’ve been awarded $78,000 from Birth to Five Illinois and $5,718 from the Community Foundation of Grundy County to help us launch some incredible projects for the families in Grundy and Kendall Counties!
children coloring

Activities for At Home: Tips and Tricks for a Joy-Filled Indoor Adventure

Keeping kids entertained indoors when it’s too cold to go outside, doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Whether you have pre-schoolers buzzing with energy or older children seeking a challenge, a sprinkle of creativity can turn any ordinary day into a memorable one.
paasss holiday stress

Holiday Stress Affects Children Too

As we approach the holidays, many of us look forward to spending time with family and friends and sharing in the joys of the season. However, for some, the holiday season can be quite stressful. Here are some tips that may help parents relieve holiday anxiety and feel less stress


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